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Prevention Institute

Prevention Institute e-alert: July 22, 2014

All Communities Are Not Created Equal: How Considering Health Equity Strengthens Violence Prevention Efforts

Thursday, July 31, 2014
11 AM to 12:30 PM Pacific
2 PM to 3:30 PM Eastern

How can the movement to prevent violence become more equity focused?
What does it look like to acknowledge the impact of race, class, sexual orientation and disability in the development of prevention efforts? And how can we most effectively implement and evaluate those efforts?

Join us Thursday, July 31, as we explore these critical questions in a webinar cosponsored by the Defending Childhood Initiative of the US Dept. of Justice, in partnership with the Office of Juvenile Justice & Delinquency Prevention, Futures Without Violence and Prevention Institute.

Violence and fear of violence are major factors that undermine health and worsen health disparities. This webinar will delve into ways to develop and promote initiatives that prevent violence and address inequities at the same time. We’ll look at some of the strategies outlined in the recent CDC publication, A Practitioner’s Guide for Advancing Health Equity: Community Strategies for Preventing Chronic Disease, which Prevention Institute helped create.


Invited Guests

Advancing Health Equity: A Practitioner's Guide

Released by the CDC, A Practitioner's Guide for Advancing Health Equity is a resource for practitioners, partners and stakeholders working to address inequity as they pursue community health interventions. It includes a chapter on preventing violence as a way to prevent chronic disease in all communities. Download the guide here.

How Violence and Inequity are Linked

This fact sheet makes the case that if we want to achieve health equity and create healthy communities, efforts to prevent violence are critical. 

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