WeTHRIVE! focuses on reducing childhood obesity and other chronic diseases for the residents of Hamilton County. Initiatives aim to protect families by increasing access to healthy foods and opportunities for physical activity where they live, work, learn and play. The goal of the We THRIVE! initiative is to make the healthy choice the easy choice by implementing changes to support improved nutrition, increased activity, and decreased chronic disease.

Goals include:

  • Develop shared-use agreements that allow residents to use existing community and faith-based spaces and school grounds for physical activity.
  • Support the Safe Routes to School program, which promotes walking and biking to school.
  • Encourage Hamilton County primary-care practices to improve preventive care, identification, and counseling for overweight and obese children.
  • Increase the number of community gardens throughout the community.
  • Encourage afterschool programs to require 30 minutes of daily physical activity for all program participants.
  • Collaborate with faith-based groups to develop wellness plans.

Learn more about WeTHRIVE.
Read the original profile on the CDC website.