Communities Putting Prevention to Work: Smart Code Zoning, Jefferson County, Alabama
113,000 residents in Jefferson County, Alabama are waking up to more walkable and livable communities.
113,000 residents in Jefferson County, Alabama are waking up to more walkable and livable communities.
In Bartholomew County, Indiana, the Columbus Area Chamber of Commerce has worked with two other local groups to create Reach Healthy Business, a workplace recognition program designed to support companies who are committed to creating a workplace that supports employee health.
In Louisville, Healthy Corner Stores are opening up to improve healthy food environments, while the Metro Council has approved a resolution to support voluntary menu labeling in local restaurants.
In Miami, draft regulations that set nationally recognized minimum minutes of physical activity, screen-time restrictions, and nutrition standards for all licensed day care centers are currently being piloted with 887 day care centers, reaching 63,427 children.
A parent-led walking group serves as the resident task force to the Get Moving Kern coalition and is reversing barriers to healthy eating and safe walking in their rural, predominantly Latino community of Kern County, California.
Located near North Richmond, California, the goal of EcoVillage Farm is to develop urban youth, and involve their families in an urban movement. EcoVillage programs and initiatives specifically target the North Richmond community, largely home to persons of color and low-income families.
With a membership base of over 2,000, Community Farm Alliance spearheads policies to support family farming in rural Kentucky and creates access to healthy fresh fruits and vegetables among urban, West Louisville's primarily African American residents through a blend of programs and policies.
Hurricane Katrina was a recent memory when food scarcity became a frightening reality for many residents who already lacked easy access to healthy foods before the disaster. A food mapping effort started out as a short-term response to residents' need to get access to soup kitchens, grocery stores, or food pantries and now has become a tool for understanding
In Chicago and the surrounding region, this membership-driven organization works on Complete Streets policies, local bikeways, safe routes to school, and public events to rally for streets that will accommodate bicyclists safely on their way to school and across the city.
Cultivating fruits and vegetables in an urban garden and on a suburban farm leased from the city at minimal cost, youth work with The Food Project and participate in community-supported agriculture that brings healthy produce to low-income residents throughout Boston.