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January 27, 2010 |
A renewed dedication to equity and prevention; a new Prevention Institute website to support the effort.
As 2010 begins, prevention and equity must have increased visibility and additional resources to solidify the important gains we made in the last year. To help make that happen, we've launched Prevention Institute's new website, preventioninstitute.org, to better highlight our commitment, perspective and resources, and to serve as a focal point for bringing communities, policy makers, funders and advocates together.
From a prevention perspective, we can look back on a number of successes from 2009. It took all of us: we saw a preventive emphasis in the stimulus and in health reform legislation, as well as in numerous state and local initiatives. We saw greater prioritization of disenfranchised communities explicit in many of these efforts-though much further emphasis here is needed, especially in this tight economy.
Though the future of real reform seems uncertain, I feel confident that health reform and prevention will move forward. At this critical time, we've designed the new preventioninstitute.org to function as a hub for cross-sector efforts to keep prevention and equity center stage now and in the decades to come. It also makes it easier than ever to make the case for quality prevention, with features and publications that:
Our new site is intended as a resource. Please send me any thoughts and feedback you have-let me know how we can make it more useful to you. We look forward to continued conversation and collaboration with you. I wish you a healthy and happy 2010.
Larry Cohen, Executive Director