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February 22, 2010
In anticipation of Governor Schwarzenegger's Action Summit on Health, Nutrition and Obesity this Wednesday, the Strategic Alliance has released a list of recommendations to urge the improvement of healthy food and activity environments in California. Stay connected at the Action Summit! Follow #hnosummit on Twitter for live updates from the summit. Are you on Twitter? Keep everyone in the know and add #hnosummit to your tweets. ***
Moving from Vision to Reality: Priority Actions to Advance Equitable Opportunities for Healthy Eating and Activity in California Building upon Governor Schwarzenegger's Vision for a Healthy California, his 2010 Summit marks an important opportunity to emphasize equitable eating and activity environments for all Californians. Our state's leadership to promote healthy eating and activity recently came into focus with the unveiling of First Lady Michelle Obama's "Let's Move" initiative. Legislation enacted in California, along with physical improvements throughout the state, has helped propel the national conversation about America's health: quality prevention is now seen as essential to curb chronic disease rates within a generation. Even in the current fiscal climate, California can demonstrate visionary leadership and uphold commitments to healthy food and activity environments for all. The Strategic Alliance urges the Governor to take the following actions:
Read the entire document here!
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WHAT IS THE STRATEGIC ALLIANCE? The Strategic Alliance is reframing the debate on nutrition and physical activity away from a focus solely on individual choice and lifestyle towards one of environmental influences and corporate and government responsibility. Current Steering Committee members are: California Adolescent Nutrition and Fitness Program (CANFit), California Center for Public Health Advocacy (CCPHA), California Food Policy Advocates (CFPA), California Pan-Ethnic Health Network, California Park and Recreation Society (CPRS) , California Project LEAN, California WIC Association (CWA), Child Care Food Program Roundtable, Latino Health Access, Partnership for the Public's Health, Prevention Institute, PolicyLink, Samuels & Associates and Public Health Law & Policy. Home | About Us | Our Approach Prevention Institute | 221 Oak St. Suite A, |