June 15, 2010 |
Community Prevention Works:
Communities Taking Action demonstrate successful prevention and equity efforts
In the Upper Falls community of Rochester New York, a dynamic collaborative of community members organized to bring a full-service supermarket into a community which lacked a single grocery store. In Norfolk Virginia, the Diggs Town Public Housing Redevelopment Project engaged residents of a low-income public housing project to improve public safety and integrate social services into the community. And in rural Northeast Iowa, six counties are coming together to promote health by increasing access to locally grown foods.
These are just three of the communities profiled in Communities Taking Action: Profiles of Health Equity. With funding from the W.K. Kellogg Foundation, Prevention Institute has launched an online database of communities that are promoting racial and social justice through their approaches to preventing chronic disease, violence, and injury. The catalog will expand to include 64 profiles highlighting community efforts to reduce specific inequities in health--all plotted on an easy-to-browse google map.
Together, the profiles demonstrate how strong leadership, community engagement and advocacy, innovative thinking, and changes in local policies and institutional practices can successfully converge to shape healthier, more equitable community environments. The CTA Profiles will provide strategies for communities looking to build health and equity in their neighborhoods; media and policymakers will find on-the-ground examples that illustrate effective cross-sector community prevention efforts.
A panel of national city leaders will examine ways that cities can access potential funding sources for work preventing violence, and also how limited funds can be leveraged for the greatest effect.
Tuesday, June 22, 2010, 11:30 am - 1:00 pm PDT
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Offered through the CDC Public Health Grand Rounds, this session focuses on the contributing factors and consequences of childhood obesity, including decreases in physical activity, socio-economic and environmental determinants, and the advertising practices of the food industry, while discussing efforts to reduce the burden of this public health epidemic.
Thursday, June 17, 2010, 6:00 am - 7:00am (PDT)
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