August 26, 2010 |
The Conversation on Prevention
Health Reform Rapid Response
Again, welcome back to regular mailings from Prevention Institute highlighting the national conversation on prevention, along with tips, talking points and strategies to help you frame your own prevention advocacy efforts.
The Stories
The Prevention and Public Health Fund remains in jeopardy because of the Johanns amendment, which, if passed, would completely eliminate the Fund. Small Business is coming out hard to advocate for the repeal of 1099--the burdensome tax code that both the Johanns and Nelson amendments attempt to address. What is important to note about the media coverage is that the conversation revolves almost entirely around protecting small business. We all support small businesses, and advocates need to let the media and politicians know that defunding prevention won't help small business. Prevention is good for our economy, good for our health, and good for small business--don't miss the new data we've included below that helps make these points. Here's the conversation:
- Johanns: 'I would repeal the healthcare reform bill first'. First, a little insight on Republican strategy to overturn the health care law, and how it ties in to the Johanns amendment: Sen. Mike Johanns said that if Republicans regain congressional control, "his first move would be to repeal the healthcare reform bill. Given that President Obama would almost certainly veto any repeal, Republicans would likely target individual provisions of the reform bill rather than aiming at the entire package."
- Let's fix Obamacare's tax paperwork problem for small business.
A Johanns op-ed says "Fix the problem and protect small businesses. Many small businesses are struggling to stay afloat in the current economic climate; Washington shouldn't swamp their boats with even more burdensome regulations."
- The White House War on Jobs The inimitable--and widely-read--Michelle Malkin says that "mom-and-pop enterprises across the country must now deal with Obamacare's onerous…tax-filing mandate."
- Small Business Urges Congress to Act. The National Small Business Association is coming out for a 'full repeal' of 1099 requirements, complete with a contact-your-legislator campaign. Since Johanns amendment is the only current amendment that proposes a full repeal of 1099 requirements, a vote for 'full repeal' means voting to defund prevention.
- Enzi says tax provision onerous to small business. In Businessweek, Senator Enzi says "Businesses will have less money to provide workers with health care and to hire new workers, something sorely needed when the country is in danger of another recession."
It is critical that we make a strong case showing that the Prevention and Public Health Fund is vital to the health of our communities--and to small businesses.
Talking points to guide your conversation:
These talking points incorporate some just-released new data. Follow the links to read the full story.
- Prevention is good for business. A University of Michigan study demonstrated that workplace wellness programs have long-term health and cost-saving benefits. One Midwest utility company showed a net savings of $4.8 million in employee health and lost work time costs over nine years. We won't be helping small business, or the economy, by gutting the Prevention Fund.
- Prevention saves money. A new federal report showed that hospitals spent $83 billion caring for diabetes patients in 2008 alone. At just $2 billion a year, the Prevention and Public Health fund is a smart investment that will pay off by building health, preventing people from getting diabetes in the first place.
- Prevention works. Two new studies showed that improving the places people live also improves their health. The first, from the American Journal of Public Health, found that more than half of the differences in obesity rates among countries is linked to walking and cycling rates, and that crosswalks, bikepaths, and restrictions on car use encourage walking and cycling. [If you can't access the abstract, read about it here.]. Another study showed that building a light rail transit system in North Carolina was associated with reductions in BMI and obesity risk.
Here's what you can do:
- Contact your senator directly, and tell them your concerns. We'll help you find your senator and provide a draft letter here.
- Write a blog, op-ed or letter to the editor of your local paper.
- Sign on as an individual to the APHA letter asking that Senators vote no on the Johanns amendment.
- Visit our Health Reform Advocacy page for more information.
Thanks for staying involved!
Using our talking points? Let us know! Email us with your feedback, leads on relevant stories and comments.