September 09, 2010 |
The Conversation on Prevention
Health Reform Rapid Response
Public health and prevention folks across the country are gearing up for the big Johanns vote on Tuesday. It is crucial that you lend your voice today--personally and professionally--to defend the Prevention and Public Health Fund. The message: Prevention is good for our health, and good for small business. Read the stories, or take action now.
The Stories
The Hill got their hands on talking points sent out from Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell's office, and we have them here for you:

- Healthcare Thursday - The Hill's Healthwatch - thehill.com - Republicans, according to the memo, should highlight the number of businesses affected by the provision (estimated at 40 million); argue the new paperwork will hobble companies ("A Nebraska small business estimates the mandate will cost $23,000/year"); and warn that the new $600 purchasing threshold will cause businesses to consolidate their suppliers, "in which case smaller suppliers would lose out."
Talking points to guide your conversation:
The reality is, small business benefits from prevention, and from health reform overall. Here's an update to last edition's talking points, bringing home that point, and incorporating new data on health reform overall.
Here's what you can do:
- Contact your senator directly, and tell them your concerns. We'll help you find your senator and provide a draft letter here.
- Please take a moment to write a letter to Congress from your organization. If you are using staff distribution lists, don't forget to send the letters to health and tax staffers: Senate Tax and Small Business LA List and Senate Health LA List. Please forward a copy of your letter to Rich Hamburg at Trust for America's Health, where these advocacy efforts are being tracked.
- Write a blog, op-ed or letter to the editor of your local paper.
- Sign on as an individual to the APHA letter asking that Senators vote no on the Johanns amendment.
- Visit our Health Reform Advocacy page for more information and actions you can take.
Thanks for staying involved!
Using our talking points? Let us know! Email us with your feedback, leads on relevant stories and comments.