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PRINT | VIEW AS WEB PAGE  |  TELL A FRIEND   September 23, 2010
180 Days of Prevention and Health Reform: evidence of early success

Today marks the 180th day of health reform. At this six month mark, all of us doing work in the field of prevention have much to celebrate. Some landmark accommplishments include:

  • Disbursement of $31 million in 2010 funding to community prevention initiatives through the Prevention and Wellness Fund, geared toward building on the early successes of the Communities Putting Prevention to Work (CPPW) initiative.
  • Critical funding channeled to public health departments, primary workforce development and wellness funding for small businesses.
  • Creation of the National Prevention, Health Promotion, and Public Health Council to guide our national strategy. The multi-sectoral Council is comprised of leadership from twelve areas of the federal government including the Secretaries and Chairs of Homeland Security, Transportation, Agriculture, Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education.
  • Steadfast defense of the Prevention and Public Health Fund by public health organizations, advocates and practitioners--and by our US Senators--which led to the defeat of the Johanns amendment.

In the past 180 days, health reform has delivered on commitments to prevention, and dedicated prevention funding has withstood legislative threats. We still have much to accomplish: join our Health Reform Rapid Response Network for updates; visit our Health Reform Advocacy page to stay involved, sign on to the Principles for Prevention in Health Reform and check back frequently for resources and tools to support prevention and equity as centerpieces of true health reform.

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t 510.444.7738 | email: prevent@preventioninstitute.org