In today's Huffington Post, Dick Jackson, the Chair of Environmental Health Sciences at the UCLA School of Public Health, and Prevention Institute's Executive Director Larry Cohen talk about what equitable transportation policies should look like--and why a roads-only focus just isn't enough.
Their article, AAA: their policies should be as good as their service, is a response to a recent article in AAA World. Don Gagnon, the president and CEO of AAA Mid-Atlantic region, wrote that the tax money in the Highway Trust Fund should be used exclusively for construction and maintenance of highways and bridges--eliminating the approximately 25% expenditure to other modes of transportation, including bike and walking paths and public transit.
Cohen and Jackson make a strong case for comprehensive transportation policies, explaining how safe routes to school, well-maintained bike lanes and thoughtful design builds health, safety and equity for everyone--on and off the highway. We invite you to read and share their article.
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