November 15, 2010 |
The Final Push for Child Nutrition:
We Need Your Help Now
Today marks Congress’s return for its lame-duck session -- likely the last chance to pass S. 3307, the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act. This landmark child nutrition legislation will help improve the nutritional quality of school foods, increase supports for breastfeeding WIC mothers, and advance strong nutrition and physical activity policies and practices in schools and child care settings.
Child nutrition is at the top of the Congressional agenda for the post-election working session. However, there are still a number of barriers to passing the bill.
Please help us safeguard the success of this critical bill, by joining November 15-16 National Call-In Days to support CNR. Our legislators need to hear from all of us now, as a vote is expected as soon as this week.
- Call your Representative today to urge passage of the bill.
Look up your House member here, and use the talking points below to guide your conversation.
- Join Feeding America for a Child Nutrition “Virtual” Town Hall with Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack and Top Chef Tom Colicchio.
Monday, November 15 at 2pm (EST), Register Here.
- Forward this alert to your colleagues.
Talking Points Text for Phone Calls to Representatives:
I am calling today to urge swift passage of the Child Nutrition Bill, the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act, in the post-election work period.
- Diet-related chronic disease is a costly and debilitating public health problem, and prevention should begin in childhood. The child nutrition bill, the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act (S.3307), would help to strengthen and reform the child nutrition programs, maximizing the existing national investments in programs to help improve nutrition, reduce chronic disease, and alleviate hunger in children.
- Child nutrition has a strong tradition of bipartisan support. I hope that House members will put politics aside for the good of our children's health and wellbeing and pass the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act during the post-election work period.
- Support for the bill is strong. Child Nutrition is a popular, understandable issue with constituents. 83% of Americans support improving the child nutrition programs.
- More than 900 health, education, anti-hunger, and industry groups support the bill -- including American Heart Association, PTA, American Diabetes Assoc., National WIC Assoc., Feeding America, Share Our Strength, and more.
Did you make a call? Send us a quick note and tell us how it went, so we can make sure your call is counted.