Opportunities for Action
Health in All Policies Update
In collaboration with Strategic Alliance and the Joint Use Statewide Taskforce, HPC submitted comments on the draft recommendations released by the Health in All Policies Task Force. Thank you to all HPC members who helped craft HPC’s formal letter (attached) and provided individual public comment.
On November 10th, CDPH deputy director Linda Rudolph presented the Task Force’s Preliminary Recommendations to the Strategic Growth Council. HPC was strongly represented at the meeting and several members provided comment during the public commentary period. The Task Force will present their final report to the Council on December 3rd and it is anticipated that an action plan will be drafted during the next administration.
Strategic Growth Council Meeting, December 3rd
1:00 PM – 5:00 PM
1001 I Street Sacramento, CA 95814
CalEPA, Coastal Hearing Room
For more information click here.
Call for Education Session Ideas for California Healthy Cities and Communities Annual Conference, December 10th
Abstracts for the California Healthy Cities and Communities Annual Conference must be submitted by December 10th, 2010. The conference itself will be held on April 21st, 2011 at the California Endowment’s Center for Healthy Communities in Los Angeles, California. The form for submitting session ideas can be downloaded at the Center for Civic Partnerships website by clicking here.
Department of Health and Human Services: Priority Areas for Improvement of Quality in Public Health
This report, released by the Department of Health and Human Services, lays out six priority areas for public health including public health metrics and information technology; evidence-based practices, research, and evaluation; systems thinking; sustainability and stewardship; policy; and workforce education. The report touches upon Health Impact Assessments and the concept of Health in All Policies. Click here to access the report.
Climate Change Challenges, Vehicle Emissions and Public Health
This study released by the Public Policy Institute of California examines options for reducing emissions from motor vehicles and evaluates each of the options in terms of its public health, climate change, and cost implications, including the uncertainty associated with each option. Click here to access the study.
New Data Demonstrates “Smart Growth” Can Save Lives
In September the American Lung Association released new data that quantifies the benefits of “smart growth” and the human cost of air pollution. The analysis concludes that building walkable communities, close to work and school can save $1.66 billion in public health costs, prevent 140 premature deaths and cut 105,000 asthma attacks and respiratory symptoms each year. Click here to access the data.
ICCMA: Putting Smart Growth to Work in Rural Communities
This report, released by the International City/County Management Association, focuses on smart growth strategies that can help guide growth in rural areas while protecting natural and working lands and preserving the rural character of existing communities. Click here to access the report.
Investing in a Future for all Californians: A Primer on California Budget and Tax Policy
This policy brief provides a general overview of factors fueling California's budget crisis and poses key questions to help you analyze new proposals. Click here to access the report.
To contribute an item to the HPC digest, please email Sandra Viera at sandra@preventioninstitute.org.