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Webinar on Food Environments Thursday, December 9th.

Prevention Institute's Leslie Mikkelsen joins Preston Maring, pioneer for Kaiser farmer's markets, at a free webinar on food environments Thursday, Dec 9th. Hosted by Kaiser Permanente Institute for Health Policy, the American Medical Association and Health Care Without Harm.

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PRINT | VIEW AS WEB PAGE  |  TELL A FRIEND   December 8, 2010
Health Reform IS Working:
A Webinar discussion on next steps for community prevention in the Affordable Care Act

Register now for this interactive Web Forum
Monday December 20th
12:00-1:30 PM PST; 3:00-4:30 PM EST

We invite you to join the American Public Health Association, Prevention Institute, Public Health Institute, PolicyLink, and Trust for America's Health for an interactive discussion of the Affordable Care Act.  The last webinar allowed us to hear directly from federal leadership about the Community Transformation Grants and the National Prevention Strategy. In this webinar we'll offer opportinities for communities, public health, and healthcare leaders to get involved and ensure that the prevention provisions of the Affordable Care Act live up to their full potential.

Speakers will:

  1. Provide updates on the status of community prevention provisions in the Affordable Care Act;
  2. Share next steps and actions that communities and advocates can take to further the understanding of politicians, media and the local community about the value of community prevention; and
  3. Share recent examples of community prevention successes.

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Prevention Institute 221 Oak Street Oakland, CA 94607
t 510.444.7738 | email: prevent@preventioninstitute.org