Opportunities for Action
Health in All Policies Task Force Report Released
On December 3rd, 2010 the Strategic Growth Council accepted the first report of the Health in all Policies Task Force and charged the Task Force with continuing its work into the next administration. Healthy Places Coalition congratulates the Strategic Growth Council, members of the Health in All Policies Task Force, and the California Department of Public Health for their efforts to secure a healthier, safer, more equitable and sustainable California. In 2011, we will continue our efforts and focus on helping to shape priorities and implementation plans that will reflect the reports major strategic areas. To read the full report click here.
SPUR: New Urban Development, Looking back to see forward, February 8th
February 8th, 2011, 6pm
654 Mission Street,
San Francisco, CA 94105-4015
Claude Gruen, noted San Francisco based Gruen Gruen & Associates principal economist, will discuss the unintended consequences of contemporary land-use regulations and priorities and propose 13 land-use policies to improve quality of urban life. For more information, click here.
Strategic Growth Council Meeting, February 9th
1:00 PM – 5:00 PM
1001 I Street Sacramento, CA 95814
CalEPA, Coastal Hearing Room
For more information click here.
APHA Health and Transportation Webinar Series
11am-12pm PST on February 15th, March 15th and April 5th
The American Public Health Association will be hosting a four-part webinar series in 2011 that will cover how transportation systems impact health in diverse communities across the nation. Join HPC partners including Human Impact Partners, San Francisco Public Health Department and Prevention Institute as they present alongside other national transportation and safety experts. For more information or to register, click here
Active Living Research Annual Conference, February 22nd-24th
February 22nd – 24th
Hard Rock Hotel
San Diego, CA
The theme for the 2011 conference is Partnerships for Progress in Active Living: From Research to Action, which recognizes the importance of engaging experts from multiple disciplines to address critical public health issues, especially active living and obesity. For more information, click here.
Complete Streets Conference Hosted by UCLA, February 25th
February 25th, 2011
Japanese American National Museum
369 East First Street, Los Angeles, CA
A one-day event bringing together civic leaders, researchers, and community organizers to articulate a vision for complete streets and explore how to achieve this vision in Los Angeles. For more information or to register, click here
Public Health Analysis Using GIS Workshop
Saturday Morning 10:00am-1:00pm
March 5th, 12th, and 19th
Mission Campus (Bldg-B) Fourth Floor – Room 475
1125 Valencia Street San Francisco, CA 94110
Jennifer McLaughlin, Health Planner for the San Francisco Department of Public Health, will introduce Health Impact Assessment (HIA) tools, demonstrates their use, and teach students how these tools affect public policy in this three day weekend course. For more information including enrollment, click here.
California Healthy Cities and Communities Conference, April 21st
Thursday, April 21st, 2011
The California Endowment Center for Healthy Communities, Los Angeles
1000 N. Alameda Street, Los Angeles, CA 90012
For more information click here.
SF Streets Particularly Mean for Pedestrians
An article in the San Francisco Chronicle featuring our colleague Rajiv Bhatia, San Francisco Environmental Health Director, emphasizing the need to re-frame pedestrian injury and mortality rates as public health issues rather than solely transit issues. Click here to access the article.
Growing Wealthier Details Economic Benefits of Smart Growth
New Report from the Center for Clean Air Policy. Chuck Kooshian and Steve Winkelman discuss how application of smart growth principles can improve the bottom line for businesses, households and governments by increasing property values, cutting fuel and infrastructure costs, creating jobs, enhancing public health and strengthening communities. Click here to access the report.
The Role of Affordable Housing in Creating Jobs and Stimulating Local Economic Development
New report from the Center for Housing Policy. Highlights several ways in which affordable housing improves economic growth and benefits communities at large. Click here to access the report.
California Central Valley Wins Sprawl Free Fight
An article congratulating San Joaquin for their leadership in promoting sustainable development and reducing sprawl. The San Joaquin Valley Air District recently took landmark action by creating an “Indirect Source Review” process, which looks at the pollution generated not only in the construction of a project, but by the residents themselves in their driving patterns. Click here to access the article.
To contribute to the Healthy Places Coalition Digest email Sandra@preventioninstitute.org.