For media inquiries, contact Ann Whidden For study inquiries, contact Juliet Sims |
Package Labels that Market Children’s Food Products Hide Truth:
84% of products studied fail to meet basic nutrition standards Prevention Institute calls for mandatory FDA standards for front-of-package labels
“We did the study because we want to be sure that what parents see is what they get,” says study author and nutritionist, Juliet Sims. “The results shocked us. More often than not, companies are telling parents food is healthy when it’s not.” The study looked at the front-of-package labeling on fifty-eight “Better-for-You” children’s products—those that manufacturers tout as their most nutritious. The nutritional content was compared against nutritional criteria derived from the US Dietary Guidelines and the National Academies of Science. In spite of the claims on the labels, study findings reveal:
Claiming Health underscores that the current system is broken: we can't count on food companies to decide which products receive front-of-package labels and what information those labels include. “Without FDA regulation, instead of giving more information to parents struggling to make the best decisions for their kids, the system is deceiving them,” explains Juliet Sims. “The question is, do food companies want to be on the side of parents and give them helpful information, or don’t they?” Among the worst offenders:
Prevention Institute and Strategic Alliance are calling on the FDA to step in and require uniform labeling standards for all products that use front-of-package labels. Nearly 40% of total calories consumed by 2- to 18-year-olds come from empty calories – unhealthy fats and added sugars. Only 21% of children and adolescents eat the recommended five or more servings of fruits and vegetables each day. “Chronic diseases like diabetes are skyrocketing, and children are predicted to have a shorter life span than their parents. Parents want healthy food for their kids.” states Prevention Institute’s Executive Director Larry Cohen. “They need food labels that reveal what's really inside, instead of emphasizing one healthy aspect to trick them into buying something fundamentally unhealthy. Mandatory front-of-package labeling guidelines will move us closer to food packages parents can trust.” For press materials, please visit the Claiming Health press page. **** The Strategic Alliance for Healthy Food and Activity Environments is a coalition of nutrition and physical activity advocates in California. The Strategic Alliance is shifting the debate on nutrition and physical activity away from a primary focus on personal responsibility and individual choice to one that examines corporate and government practices and the role of the environment in shaping eating and activity behaviors. Strategic Alliance is coordinate through Prevention Institute, a national non-profit organization established in 1997, dedicated to placing prevention at the center of efforts to improve community health, equity and well-being. The Institute specializes in building capacity among community-based organizations and government agencies at the local, state, and federal level to develop strategies for environmental, policy, and systems-level changes to prevent illness and injury in the first place. Find us at |