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Health in All Policies Community Workshops
March 2011

The Healthy Places Coalition (HPC) encourages you to review the impressive set of recommendations recently released by the Health in All Policies Task Force (available HERE) and to attend the upcoming public input workshops (details below). In addition to providing input on the most potentially impactful and feasible recommendations, HPC needs your help to ensure that the following three themes are centrally incorporated into all Health in All Policies (HIAP) work

Priority recommendations are aligned with the needs of communities
Create specific, concrete, technically and politically feasible action items that have clear agency responsibilities delineated. Where possible, connect implementation of HIAP recommendations with related local and regional efforts. Form an advisory board to the Task Force made up of leaders from organizations and communities around the state who can provide input on the implementation of the action items and ensure that the overall direction of the Task Force aligns with the realities and needs of communities.

Elevate the prominence of equity
While equity seems to be an underlying value of Health in all Policies, it is not prominently reflected in the Task Force’s recommendations. Equity, sustainability, and health are interdependent. Rethinking our local and regional development policies and practices to facilitate development of denser, energy efficient and affordable housing around transit hubs for more competitive and sustainable communities necessitates consideration of equity. Inequities stifle growth, slow momentum, and inhibit social cohesion. Reducing poverty improves overall regional economic growth, and greater equity has been shown to correlate strongly with a vast array of desirable social, health, and economic outcomes.

Advance methods of health analysis
Achieving Health in All Policies intrinsically requires developing a knowledge base and methods for identifying how decisions will affect health. This is not about creating barriers to investment or programmatic action, but rather about ensuring that state investments achieve multiple objectives and avoid negative consequences. The goal of health analysis should explicitly be to systematically advance the practices and tools necessary to more accurately understand how decisions made by state government affect communities and populations. There is sufficient capacity as well as sufficient public health evidence to warrant the Task Force moving beyond considering feasibility to committing to developing health analysis methods and applying those methods (at least in a set of pilot initiatives).

The Strategic Growth Council and the Health in All Policies Task Force are poised to place a powerful imprint on the health, safety, and equity in California. Your participation in this process is critical in helping to identify effective policies and practices that will lead to the creation of healthy places for healthy people.

The Task Force report, a two-page overview of health in all policies, and a list of health in all policies legislation are available HERE.

Workshop Details
RSVP by emailing HiAP@cdph.ca.gov or calling (916) 445-7769. Please contact HiAP@cdph.ca.gov if you have any accessibility needs. Si necesitas interpretación por favor de mandarnos un correo electronicó a HiAP@cdph.ca.gov.

Thursday, March 17th
Los Angeles Workshop
Community Health Councils
3731 Stocker Street, 2nd Floor Conference Room
Friday, March 18th

San Diego Workshop
Logan Heights Library Community Room
567 South 28th Street

Tuesday, March 22nd
Oakland Workshop
The California Endowment, Oakland Conference Center
1111 Broadway, 7th Floor
Friday, March 25th
Redding Workshop
Shasta College, Health Sciences and University Center
1400 Market Street
Tuesday, March 29th
Fresno Workshop
Fresno Central Library
2420 Mariposa Street

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