"We want children and parents to take for granted that the places they live, work, play, and learn are going to support them in healthy eating, physical activity and living smoke-free -- not make it harder. Prevention is making that possible today. "
Read Prevention Works: Affordable Care Act is building health where you live, in the Huffington Post
Stay Connected:
March 28, 2011 |
Community prevention: success
In the past two years, our nation has made an historic investment in prevention and wellness with the goal of helping communities thrive—led by local communities and supported by the federal government. We invite you to read and share Community Prevention and the Affordable Care Act: Local initiatives building the health, prosperity and vitality of America, detailing the importance of community prevention, and signed by public health organizations and Communities Putting Prevention to Work communities.
Through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, then through Prevention and Public Health Funding from the Affordable Care Act, community prevention efforts are transforming the places where people live, work, play and learn. On behalf of the communities striving to improve the health of residents using this approach, we wanted to share with you the impact, the importance and the value of this landmark initiative.