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Highlighting Public Health’s Contribution to Violence Prevention at the Local, State, and National Level Webinar

Featuring Jim Mercy, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Renee Johnson, Boston University School of Public Health, and Rachel Davis, Managing Director, Prevention Institute

April 19, 2011
2:00pm-3:30pm EST/11am-12:30 PST

Register now.

Please join the National Health Collaborative on Violence and Abuse for a Lunch Briefing

Violence and Abuse: How the Health System Can Prevent and Respond

Thursday, April 7th 12:00-1:30pm EST
U.S. Capitol Visitors Center, Room H201
Honorary Co-Chairs: Senator Tom Harkin, Congresswoman Louise Slaughter, and Congressman Steven LaTourette

Register now.

Join Prevention Institute to focus on safety during American Public Health Week
American Public Health Week (APHW) 2011 launches today with the theme ‘Safety is no Accident,’ and Prevention Institute is joining in to emphasize the need for comprehensive, multi-faceted approaches to preventing violence and unintentional injury.

Prevention Institute's Urban Networks to Increase Thriving Youth (UNITY) is proud to recognize the UNITY cities playing a key role in promoting a public health approach to preventing violence this week. UNITY leader and UC Berkeley Professor Dr. Howard Pinderhughes joins Dr. Linda Rae Murray, President of the American Public Health Association, at the APHW’s kick-off
event today in Cleveland, Ohio. City of Cleveland Mayor Frank G. Jackson will announce the city’s adoption of a multi-faceted approach to preventing violence, highlighting one of the most important ingredients in addressing youth violence from a public health paradigm: political will. Chicago, also a member of the UNITY City Network hosts another event this Friday.

Today at 10amPT/1pm ET, Prevention Institute staff will join the APHA in its first live Twitter chat event, focusing on injury and violence prevention. To read the conversation—even if you don’t have a twitter account—visit
www.twitter.com and search for #nphw. To participate, use hashtag #nphw after your tweets. Prevention Institute will be chiming in from our account @preventioninst along with other prevention leaders including Linda Degutis from the CDC.

We also invite you to review Prevention Institute’s extensive resources on preventing violence and unintentional injury, including:
As Attorney General Eric Holder said last month about nationwide efforts to prevent violence, “The best and most targeted solutions won’t be imposed from on high. They will be shared solutions, created together and collectively implemented. They will address not just consequences of crime, but also the underlying causes.  And they will ultimately replace broken social patterns with healthy ones, and dysfunctional systems and practices with effective and proven solutions.”

Congratulations to all of you for your work in creating healthy, effective and proven solutions.

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t 510.444.7738 |
email: prevent@preventioninstitute.org