Prevention Institute was presented with the 2011 Injury Prevention and Control Health Impact Award for its national work helping to further the field of injury prevention. The award was presented last week in Iowa City, Iowa, as part of the 2011 Joint Annual Meeting of the The Society for the Advancement of Violence and Injury Research (SAVIR) /Safe States Alliance/ and CDC.
Prevention Institute was especially honored to receive the award at this year’s conference, where the theme was “Progress through Partnerships.” Much of Prevention Institute’s work comes as a direct result of the broad and deep networks that have been established by injury prevention advocates, and the dedication and commitment of our partners to transforming the fields of injury and violence prevention. UNITY Co-Chair Billie Weiss was also recognized with an Alex Kelter Vision Award for her lifetime's work in preventing violence and particularly for her research providing an understanding of the connections between gang activity and family violence.
Urban Networks to Increase Thriving Youth (UNITY) Initiative is a national initiative funded by the Centers for Disease Control and The California Wellness Foundation to help large cities reduce the extent of violence. Prevention Institute coordinates this effort, which is co-chaired by Deborah Prothrow-Stith, Billie Weiss and Larry Cohen. Prevention Institute's contributions to injury prevention include the Spectrum of Prevention, which began as a tool to address sexual violence against women and is now used broadly throughout the public health field, and Eight Steps to Coaltion Building, used by advocates and practitioners in coalition building, including The National Maternal and Child Health Center. The Transportation Prescription connects transportation policy to all of our health and safety.
The meeting and award ceremony were scheduled as an important element of APHA's public health week, which focused this year on safety and injury prevention and has drawn attention to the extraordinary efforts of many of our friends and colleagues across the country. We feel privileged to share in and contribute to the amazing work bringing peace, prosperity and greater health to all our communities, and extend our thanks to all of our partners and colleagues.