Healthy Places Coalition Newsletter:
Events, Opportunities & News Digest
April 21, 2011
Opportunities for Action
Support: AB 710: Infill Development and Sustainable Communities Act of 2011
Urban development is a critical component to the state’s environmental, economic, and public health goals. Of the many barriers to urban development, the requirement for excessive parking is the most costly and burdensome. Most regional and local communities still use a single-use, single-family home planning standard for parking, even in heavily-urbanized and transit-rich planning areas which presents a barrier to smart growth and in-fill development. AB 710 would decrease the parking requirements in transit- rich and heavily urbanized areas, thereby increasing project feasibility and lowering project costs. To learn more about the bill click here.
Support: AB 516: Safe Routes to School
AB 516 will increase community involvement in the development of Safe Routes to Schools project proposals by prioritizing applicants who utilize public participation processes. Click here to download a letter of support or read more about the bill by clicking here.
Support: AB 441: Incorporate health and equity in state guidance
AB 441 would include health and equity criteria in the documents that the state uses to provide guidance to city, county and regional governments on land use and transportation planning and development decisions that have enormous influences on health outcomes. The bill, if passed, would help promote clean air and water, safe buildings and streets, and healthy public spaces. Click here to download a letter of support or read more about the bill by clicking here.
Support SB 244: General planning for unincorporated communities
SB 244 attempts to address the fact that many disadvantaged, unincorporated communities are being left behind and out of local planning processes. As a result, these communities are suffering from various infrastructure deficiencies that are detrimental to their health and safety. SB 244 will ensure that local governments include these communities in their planning process. For more information about SB 244 or to obtain a sample letter of support contact Martha Guzman, California Rural Legal Assistance Foundation.
The above list of bills does not represent endorsement or support from HPC or member organizations. For more information about the bills, please contact the sponsoring organization.
ENACT Day: May 4th 2011
ENACT Nutrition and Activity Day is the Strategic Alliance for Healthy Food and Activity Environment's yearly, grass-roots lobby day held in Sacramento, CA. ENACT brings together advocates from across the state in an effort to educate policy makers about opportunities to improve California's nutrition and physical activity environments. Click here for more information and to register today.
The Road to Health: Improving Community Wellbeing through Transportation
CPEHN’s spring convening, a series of workshops focused on the impact of transportation on community health, and advocacy efforts underway in California to ensure cleaner air, safer streets, and accessible services. To register or to learn more click here.
April 27, 2011 10:00 am to 2:00 pm |
Los Angeles The California Endowment 1000 North Alameda Street |
May 4, 2011 10:00 am to 2:00 pm |
San Diego Sherman Heights Community Center 2258 Island Avenue |
May 5, 2011 10:00 am to 2:00 pm |
Oakland The California Endowment 1111 Broadway, 7th Floor |
Communicating Climate Change as a Critical Public Health Issue
Hosted by California Department of Health. In this webinar, learn how to effectively communicate the health impacts of climate change to mobilize the communities you work with to adopt behaviors and support public policies that both reduce greenhouse gas emissions and improve health.
April 27, 2011 11:00am - 12:00pm |
To register click here |
Public Health Law and Policy Upcoming Webinars
View PHLP’s complete list of webinars by clicking here.
April 28, 2011 |
Opening up the Schoolyard A walk through the nuts and bolts of creating contracts that expand access to school grounds with schools, local government, and even nonprofits sharing the costs and responsibilities. Click here to register. |
Realizing the Vision of High-Speed Rail System in California: Connecting People While Fostering Prosperity, Smart Growth and Sustainability
Hosted by UC Berkeley's Center for Environmental Public Policy. This conference aims to inform the next stage in policy design and implementation to develop a HSR system for California from a multidisciplinary perspective. It will do so by exploring HSR's environmental impact vis-à-vis other transportation modes, local, regional and statewide economic opportunities, private involvement in financing, and lessons from international experiences with HSR.
May 2-3, 2011 | Clark Kerr Conference Center, UC Berkeley For more info or to register, please send an email to CEPP |
SB 375 Corner
Save the date: Climate Change, Sustainable Community Strategies and Health Equity
The fight against global warming is changing the rules of transportation, land use, and community development in California. This workshop series will explore how communities of color, county health departments, municipal planning departments, and community based housing, transportation, economic development and environmental justice organizations can engage in shaping and implementing this landmark process to promote opportunity, as well as social and health equity for our most vulnerable communities. For more information contact:
May 7, 2011 | San Diego County Region |
May 21, 2011 | Sacramento County Region |
May 28, 2011 |
Sonomra County Region |
Integrating Health and Equity into Sustainable Community Strategy Planning (SB 375)
Hosted by California Department of Health. Learn more about this wide reaching law and hear how local health departments and community advocates are collaborating to ensure that the sustainable community planning process incorporates broad health and health equity goals.
May 18, 2011 |
For more info or to register, click here. |
National Association of City Transportation Official (NACTO): Urban Bikeway Design Guide
NACTO has recently released The Urban Bikeway Design Guide which offers substantive guidance for cities seeking to improve bicycle transportation where competing demands for the use of the right of way presents unique challenges. To access the publication, click here.
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