The paradigm is shifting. Future health leaders must go beyond treating disease and injury; they must understand how to prevent it in the first place. Prevention Institute invites professors, administrators, and lecturers in health-related fields to join us for a unique webinar that will share strategies for infusing prevention thinking into curricula ranging from public health and medicine to social work and public policy. This second Teaching Prevention webinar will include a stronger focus on resources and sample assignments, as well as enhanced opportunities for participation. Please forward this announcement to your colleagues in academia.
Teaching Prevention Webinar
Tuesday, June 7
12:30pm-1:45pm PST
Register here.
The hosts, along with presenter Vivian Chavez, are editors of Prevention is Primary: Strategies for Community Well-Being, the highly successful public health textbook co-published by Wiley/Jossey-Bass and APHA, now in its second edition. The panel’s combined experience in prevention training, curricular development, and teaching will provide you with the tools to build the case for primary prevention and incorporate it into your courses. You will be able to engage future health leaders and build their capacity to think of solutions that solve multiple problems.
Register now.
Larry Cohen, MSW, Executive Director, Prevention Institute
Sana Chehimi, MPH, Program Director, Prevention Institute
Dr. Vivian Chavez, DrPH, MPH, Associate Professor of Health Education, San Francisco State University
Dr. Daniel Perales, DrPH, MPH, Program Distance Education Director, San Jose State University
Dr. Amin Azzam, MD, MA, Problem-Based Learning Curriculum Director, UC Berkeley-UCSF Joint Medical Program