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Strategic Alliance  

May 24, 2011

221 Oak Street
Oakland, CA 94607
Tel: 510.444.7738
Fax: 510.663.1280



Submit Nominations Now for Strategic Alliance's 2011 Journalism Award!

Strategic Alliance is pleased to announce that we will once again be presenting our biennial Journalism Award for Excellence in Food and Physical Activity at the upcoming 2011 California Childhood Obesity Conference. Given the media’s influence on the debate around healthy food and physical activity, the award acknowledges two professional reporters who have used the media to highlight the critical importance of environmental and policy changes to promote health.

This year, we are presenting awards in two categories: Excellence in Food and Beverage Industry Coverage and Excellence in Physical Activity Coverage. We are seeking nominations for reporters who have covered food and activity issues using an environmental and policy frame, and whose stories have received coverage in newspapers, magazines, radio shows, or television.

Below are some criteria to consider to help narrow your search. We are seeking reporters whose stories:

  • Have implications for improving food and activity environments in California;
  • Highlight the importance of environmental and policy efforts to address food and physical activity issues, rather than focusing on individual behavior;
  • Take a critical look at the actions of the food and beverage industry and their impact on community food environments;
  • Elevate the importance of equity;
  • Incorporate community voices; and
  • Focus on low-income communities and/or communities of color.
Have a reporter in mind? Fill out this form, and send it to Phebe@preventioninstitute.org. Submit one form per nominee. In addition to the completed nomination form, please include the nominated article, news clip or radio clip or one example that reflects the reporter’s/publication’s coverage of the issue. Help us recognize the news media’s contribution to helping the public better understand policy solutions for health problems related to food and physical activity.  Send your nominations today!

The deadline to submit nominations is Monday, June 6, 2011.
If you have any questions about the nomination process, please contact Phebe Gibson: Phebe@preventioninstitute.org or (510) 444-7738.



The Strategic Alliance is reframing the debate on nutrition and physical activity away from a focus solely on individual choice and lifestyle towards one of environmental influences and corporate and government responsibility. Current Steering Committee members are: California Adolescent Nutrition and Fitness Program (CANFit), California Center for Public Health Advocacy (CCPHA), California Food Policy Advocates (CFPA), California Pan-Ethnic Health Network, California Park and Recreation Society (CPRS) , California Project LEAN, California WIC Association (CWA), Child Care Food Program Roundtable, Latino Health Access, Partnership for the Public's Health, PolicyLink, Prevention Institute, Samuels & Associates, and Public Health Law and Policy.


The Strategic Alliance is currently engaged in building a broad and diverse statewide membership. To join or for more information, please visit us on the Web, www.eatbettermovemore.org, or contact Phebe Gibson at 510.444.7738 or Phebe@preventioninstitute.org. And even if you're already a member, please forward this message on to your colleagues so we can continue to strengthen our coalition. Thank you!


The Strategic Alliance is reframing the debate on nutrition and

physical activity - from a focus solely on individual choice and lifestyle,

towards one of environmental influences and corporate and government responsibility.


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Prevention Institute | 221 Oak St. Suite A, Oakland, CA 94607 | Ph. 510-444-7738 
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