Strategic Alliance Webpages Invite Engagement and Action from California Advocates
Strategic Alliance is pleased to announce the launch of our newly redesigned webpages, at With enhanced navigation, increased functionality and greater focus on opportunities for action, the new pages reflect the breadth of innovative work taking place in California. The new features will allow advocates to:
Get involved with a new action center, featuring ongoing opportunities to advocate for healthy eating and physical activity in your community and across the state;
Read the latest news stories and research on healthy eating and physical activity from across the country via our front page media feed;
Sign up for our newly enhanced Strategic Alliance Rapid Response emails, with tips and talking points to launch your story into the news cycle; and
Learn how you can get involved with other Strategic Alliance initiatives - like planning a Food Day event in your community, signing on to Setting the Record Straight, and increasing opportunities for physical activity through joint use.
We invite you to share the new Strategic Alliance webpages with your networks and partners. And we’d love to hear your feedback. To ensure our new webpages are a strong resource for advocates, send your comments and suggestions to
To view the new Strategic Alliance webpages, visit