Strategic Alliance Webpages serve as hub for healthy food/active living advocates
Today, we launch new Strategic Alliance webpages at www.prevent, featuring enhanced navigation, increased functionality and greater focus on opportunities for action. The new pages reflect the breadth of innovative work taking place in California. Strategic Alliance's new features will allow advocates to:
Get involved with a new action center, featuring timely opportunities to support policieis and environmental changes to improve healthy eating and physical activity opportunities;
Find food and activity strategies that work, through the ENACT Local Policy Database;
Read the latest news stories and research on healthy eating/physical activity from across the country via our front page media feed; and
Sign up for our newly enhanced Strategic Alliance Rapid Response Network, and receive emails with tips and talking points to launch your story into the news cycle and help you frame healthy eating/ physical activity efforts.
Whether you are located in California or beyond, we invite you to explore how your work can be enhanced through strategies and tools from
Formed in 2001, guided by California's leading healthy eating/active living organizations, and coordinated through Prevention Institute, the Strategic Alliance for Healthy Food and Activity Environments seeks to maintain a steady drumbeat for environmental, organizational and policy improvements. The Alliance braids together the priorities of diverse interests, serves as a hub for statewide strategy development, and provides a conduit between state and local efforts by facilitating dialogue and partnering, to advance equitable opportunities for healthy eating and activity throughout the state.