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Prevention Institute

June 21th, 2011

Watching Prevention Make History

In the Prevention Forum, PI's Larry Cohen discusses the strength and opportunities presented by the landmark National Prevention Strategy. The recent release of the NPS is historic, says Cohen: "For the first time the nation has delineated a broad, coherent approach to prevention, and made it clear that prevention is critical for improving our health." Challenges still exist - particularly in tough political and economic times - but they also present an opportunity for advocates to unite in support of prevention. "The blueprint is there, the ideas are there, but we must work together to make sure that the National Prevention Strategy doesn’t languish on a shelf or get sliced out of future budgets."

The article calls for a "game changer, where the ‘dose’ of prevention is great enough to reduce the demands on health services in every community."

Read Watching Prevention Make History.

Read the National Prevention Strategy

Read the NPS, find facts and view the release webcast at the Healthcare.gov website.

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