Call to Action:
Protect Funding for Pedestrian & Bicycle Infrastructure and Safe Routes to School
The Federal Transportation Authorization bill needs your support. As proposed by the Senate's Environment and Public Works Committee, it would provide states and localities with funds to improve our country’s transportation system. Unfortunately, an alternative proposal from the House of Representatives seeks to cut dedicated funds for programs important to safety, public health, and transit, such as Safe Routes to School (SRTS), Transportation Enhancement (TE), and Recreation Trails (RT).
Communities that invest in bicycle and pedestrian projects turn downtowns into destinations, support physical activity, promote safety and equity, and stimulate economies. In fact, per million dollars spent, investments in non-motorized transit create 46% more jobs than road-only projects. Cuts to the meager 1.5% budgeted for bike and pedestrian projects would eliminate valuable investments that promote health and are proven to stimulate jobs and save lives.
Express your support for active transportation and increased physical activity opportunities:
• Send a letter of support to your elected representatives and key Congressional offices via Safe Routes to School National Partnership.
• Sign on to Transportation for America’s letter to Chairman Mica and the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee calling for major improvements to the proposals. The deadline to sign on is 3pm ET on Tuesday, July 19th.
Prevention Institute has a long-standing commitment to prevent injuries and illnesses in the first place. Resources designed to help: Collaboration Multiplier, to strengthen multi-disciplinary efforts in coalition-based work; Transportation Prescription, a policy brief co-written with PolicyLink, provides a roadmap for a healthy and equitable transportation system; the Spectrum of Prevention- a framework for developing comprehensive injury prevention strategy.