Strategic Alliance Newsletter
July 2011
New from Strategic Alliance
Strategic Alliance and California Convergence Release "Leading the Way"
Even in our tough economic climate, California must continue its role as a leader in health, environmental protection, and community prevention. Strategic Alliance collaborated with our partners at California Convergence to identify ways in which the State can continue to be at the forefront – advancing community prevention efforts despite a cash-strapped budget.
Our new platform, Leading the Way: California’s Approach to Health and Equity in Tough Times, outlines priorities for action in the following areas: Administrative Actions; Legislative Priorities; and Federal Leverage Points. The recommendations focus on low and no-cost prevention strategies, actions that can reduce health care costs and yield return on investment, and steps that will maximize federal resources coming into California.
Together, the recommendations can serve as a tool for advancing the state’s commitment to health, equity, and sustainability, as well as bolster its economy. We’ve shared Leading the Way with key leaders at the state level – including Secretary of Health and Human Services Diana Dooley, Governor Jerry Brown, Lieutenant Governor Gavin Newsom, State Controller John Chiang, and State Superintendent of Public Instruction Tom Torlakson – and we invite you to share it with your local and state leaders.
Click here to read and download the full document. Contact Linda Shak ( if you’d like to discuss ways to present, share or circulate this document with your legislators.
Safe Places to Play and Be Active
All communities should have access to safe places to play and be physically active. That’s why Strategic Alliance and the Joint Use Statewide Task Force have just released Safe Places to Play and Be Active, a sign-on declaration that establishes a shared vision for equal and accessible physical activity opportunities for all, and delineates recommendations to improve activity environments for California communities.
The state of California is facing tough budgetary decisions, but cutting resources for parks, playgrounds and open spaces is a short-sighted approach. Infrastructure for physical activity is the backbone of a prosperous, equitable, safe and healthy state. Now is a critical time for California advocates to stand united. Let’s show elected representatives, regional decision makers, and community leaders that protecting and investing in play and recreation is a top priority. By working together, we can forge joint solutions to transform California neighborhoods into healthy communities in which all children and adults have access to safe places to play and be active.
Download the declaration today! Sign on to Safe Places to Play by emailing
At Local, State, and National Levels, Industry Undermines Efforts to Improve Food Marketing
As local, state, and national advocates make headway on policies that limit the harmful impact of junk food marketing, there is an increasing tug-of-war between health experts and industry. While food, beverage, and chain restaurant companies make small concessions on the front end, they’re working overtime behind the scenes to de-rail community efforts. Read Strategic Alliance’s recent Rapid Response alert and take action by clicking here.
Local Successes: Safe Routes to School Flourishes Across California
California communities have been leaders in improving physical activity environments and increasing the availability and access to sidewalks, pathways and bikeways for children and youth. Programs like Safe Routes to School (SRTS) have provided funding opportunities for schools and cities to make physical changes in their neighborhoods and improve activity rates in their communities. Funded through the Federal Transportation Authorization bill, SRTS has facilitated the construction of new bicycle lanes, pathways and sidewalks near schools and has helped secure safe and active transportation for children across the nation. However, proposed versions of the Transportation bill seek to eliminate dedicated funding for bicycling and walking programs such as SRTS. For more information, click here.
Safe Routes to School efforts are flourishing across California:
- Efforts in the city of Visalia are focused on providing lighted crosswalks and signage, and building curbs, sidewalks, and bicycle lanes for numerous elementary schools.
- The city of Mill Valley is upgrading signs and crosswalks across the city and adding a flashing pedestrian-crossing light at a busy intersection.
- In Lemon Grove, a coalition-wide effort to support walking and biking to school is working to increase the number of children walking and biking to school and ensure safe pathways by easing traffic and congestion around schools.
Healthy Food, Healthy Communities: Promising Strategies to Improve Access to Fresh, Healthy Food and Transform Communities
Released last week by PolicyLink, Healthy Food, Healthy Communities takes a closer look at the impact of the food access gap and ongoing strategies to develop new grocery stores, help existing grocers, farmers’ markets, bodegas, corner stores, and other local food retailers expand their healthy food choices.
Read the full report here.
Safe Places to Play and Be Active Webinar Series
Co-hosted by Latino Health Access and Strategic Alliance
Part One: Enhancing Physical Activity Environments through Data and Walkability Assessments
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
10:30 am – 12:00 noon PST
Register here!
All communities deserve safe places to play and be active. Public health departments, community-based organizations, youth groups, and school districts across California are leading the way in creating safe and accessible physical activity opportunities. Join us for the first of this three-part webinar series to learn how advocates are transforming neighborhoods into safe and healthy communities by increasing access to parks and open space as well as investing in physical activity infrastructure like sidewalks, bike lanes, and crosswalks.
3rd Annual Safe Routes to School Conference
August 16-18, 2011
Minneapolis, MN
Registration is now open.
FoodMed 2011 Conference
October 18 – 19, 2011
Seattle, WA
Registration is now open.