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Prevention Institute

August 24th, 2011

Could your collaborative use an influx of inspiration? Are you seeing the same faces at every meeting? Does your leadership team reflect your community?

Join PI Mangers, Annie Lyles and Carolina Guzman for an insightful discussion with Hollaback’s Emily May and Jeff Matsushita from the Idaho Coalition Against Sexual & Domestic Violence as we discuss how to incorporate the voice and vision of the diverse communities we serve.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Wednesday, August 31, 2011

This ninety-minute (90 min) session will start at 11 AM Pacific Standard Time (2 PM Eastern)


Participants will learn new strategies to diversify leadership and how these strategies strengthen efforts to prevent sexual and domestic violence. Be ready to join the discussion by sharing ideas or posing questions to our guests via live phone and text chat!

Learning Objectives:

  1. Engage in a candid discussion of the challenges and opportunities in creating and maintaining a diverse leadership.
  2. Provide examples of lessons learned from people and organizations committed to sustaining diverse leadership.
  3. Identify opportunities to incorporate population-based efforts, such as organizational practice and policy change within this approach.
  4. Identify potential indicators for measuring the impact and outcomes of efforts.

To register, follow link below:

As seen on NYT, ABC, BBC & NPR: Our Guest, Emily May of Hollaback

Emily May will take your questions and share the lesson she’s learned as Hollaback has spread, community to community, to inspire an international movement. Join us, and Emily, on this month’s webinar. Register now, and
read the NY Times article here.

See you in Sacramento

PI is presenting at California’s Statewide Conference, Connecting the Dots ~ Linking Domestic Violence and Social Justice Movements in Sacramento, CA September 13-14, 2011. Register for the conference here.

Win a free copy of Prevention is Primary: Strategies for Community Wellbeing

'Like’ Prevention Institute on Facebook this week for a chance to win a free copy of our landmark textbook, Prevention is Primary. We’ll give away copies to five randomly selected Facebook fans who become part of the community this week. More importantly, you’ll have a chance to connect, share resources and discover vital prevention information.

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Oakland, CA 94607
t 510-444-7738 | email: prevent@preventioninstitute.org

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