A number of critical bills have made their way through the legislature and need your support to ensure success! Take action now to advance healthy food and activity environments in the State.
AB 516 (Safe Routes to School) is currently on the Governor’s desk, awaiting his signature. This bill would increase the scope of "Safe Routes to School" construction to specifically consider disadvantaged communities.
ACTION: Fax a letter of support to Governor Brown by Friday, September 2, at 1-916-558-3160. Download a sample letter of support.
SB 502 (Hospital Infant Feeding Act) has made it through the legislature and is now on the Governor’s desk, awaiting his signature. SB 502 requires general acute care hospitals and those with perinatal units to have an infant feeding policy and routinely communicate the policy to all perinatal unit staff and the public.
ACTION: Fax or mail a letter of support to Governor Brown by Friday, September 9, at 1-916-558-3160. Download a sample letter of support.
AB 581 (Healthy Food Financing) would leverage federal, state, and private funds to expand access to healthy food in underserved communities. It passed out of Senate Appropriations on 8/25, and is now headed for the Senate floor.
ACTION: Fax a letter of support to the Speaker of the Assembly at 1-916-319-2146. Download a sample letter of support.
AB 685 (Human Right to Water) would establish the right of every Californian to have access to clean water for basic human needs. AB 685 was held in the Senate Appropriations Committee in an attempt to stall its progress, and advocates are needed to keep this bill moving through the legislature.
ACTION: Call Senator Darrell Steinberg, President pro Tempore, at 1-916-651-4006 and tell him Californians can’t wait for access to clean, fresh water.
California has a great opportunity to advance healthy food and activity environments. Take action now to voice your support and ensure the passage of these critical bills!