SB 502 (Hospital Infant Feeding Act) has made it to the Governor’s desk, but he has not yet signed it. We need your help to ensure this critical bill is signed into law. Let Governor Brown know how important policies that support breastfeeding are by sending a letter in today! Letters must be received by Friday, September 16.
ACTION: Fax or mail a letter of support to Governor Brown by Friday, September 16, at 1-916-558-3160. Click here to download a template letter of support.
SB 502 would require all perinatal hospitals in California to have an infant feeding policy in place, based on the Baby Friendly Ten Steps, or the Department of Public Health’s Model Policies. Hospitals would be required to post this policy in their perinatal unit or on their hospital website, and to routinely communicate this policy to all staff.
Click here for more information.
Industry Misses Opportunities to Promote Healthful Diets
Two studies released by Strategic Alliance, Where's the Fruit? and Claiming Health, were cited in a recent study by the American Journal of Preventive Medicine. The report examined industry's progress in marketing healthful diets to children and adolescents. The conclusion? Industry can do better. Food, beverage, and restaurant companies have made only moderate progress in meeting the Institute of Medicine's recommendations to promote a healthful diet. Read the full study here.
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