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Prevention Institute

September 12, 2011

Making the Case for Healthy Food and Activity Environments: Using Media Advocacy to Impact Policy Change

Join us for an interactive web forum!
Date: Thursday, October 6, 2011
Time: 11:00 am - 12:00 pm PDT
Click here to register!

By using the power of the media to highlight effective environmental and policy solutions, advocates can impact the public discussion on health from the ground up.  Join Berkeley Media Studies Group and Strategic Alliance on October 6 for a webinar on maximizing media advocacy to impact the public debate and affect health policy. 

Geared towards advocates new to the topic, the webinar will provide a primer on how to use media advocacy strategically to move a policy agenda forward. Participants will learn to recognize the news media’s role in shaping debates on community health, and build skills to advance their overall strategy, media strategy, message strategy, and media access strategy.  The discussion will also introduce tactics for framing news stories from an environmental perspective and getting the attention advocates need from reporters to make their case to policymakers and other people with the power to affect change.

And there's more to come! This webinar is the first in a series of media advocacy trainings. The topic of framing will be covered more deeply, including case studies from recent policy issues playing out in the media, in an upcoming Strategic Alliance webinar.

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