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Prevention Institute

September 19th, 2011

Support Healthy Food Financing Initiative Today

Tomorrow, a Senate subcommittee will vote to determine whether to support the Healthy Food Financing Initiative (HFFI). They need to hear, loud and clear, that this initiative is critical to bringing healthy foods to neighborhoods isolated from fresh foods and surrounded by unhealthy options.

Click here to urge Senators to support HFFI.

More than 23 million Americans can’t access healthy foods where they live. The Healthy Food Financing Initiative is desperately needed to improve health for children and their families, provide jobs, revitalize local economies, and strengthen low-income and rural communities. We know HFFI works – since it’s based on a successful model in Pennsylvania that is being replicated in other cities and states. Now is a crucial time to invest in this proven strategy.

Make sure these key senators know it, too.

Your input can make the difference. Urge the Senate to support funding for an appropriation of $20 million dollars for HFFI in the 2012 budget of the Department of Health and Human Services. This is a critical component of HFFI, and congress needs to hear from you now that funding the Healthy Food Financing Initiative is a priority.

Find out more about the Healthy Food Financing Initiative.

Webinar Tomorrow: Prevention Is Primary: Strategies for Community Well-Being

September 20th: 1 p.m. - 2 p.m. PT / 4 p.m. - 5 p.m. ET.

Learn about the updated and revised second edition of Prevention is Primary: Strategies for Community Well-Being. Join PI's Larry Cohen and Sana Chehimi as they describe the overarching foundation and principles guiding primary prevention efforts, and highlight prevention practice through a range of social and health issues, including chronic disease, HIV, violence and mental health. Register now.

Upcoming Webinar:  Innovations in Measuring and Communicating Effectiveness of Sexual and Domestic Violence Prevention Efforts

September 27th: REPEAT September 28th: 11 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. PST/ 2 p.m - 3:30 p.m. EST

As prevention efforts gain momentum, a new host of tools and strategies have been developed to measure and communicate their effectiveness. Join us as we discuss how to tell the story of success. Explore new ways to create data, and learn the techniques to transform that data into a compelling prevention success story. Register now.

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