Thanks to all of your initial efforts, over 2,000 letters have already been sent to the Senate calling for the restoration of CDC’s Youth Violence Prevention funding, which was zeroed out by the Senate Appropriations Committee's budget bill last week—suddenly and without input. Elimination of this $19.7 million in funding will have a devastating impact on efforts to prevent violence across the country and compromise decades of work.
We need our voices to get louder, we need more voices, and we need to take precise action together to ensure that prevention is preserved.
JOIN US FOR A STRATEGY PLANNING CONFERENCE CALL, hosted by Prevention Institute, to preserve a public health approach to youth violence prevention.
When: Monday, October 3, 2011 11:00-12:00PST / 2:00-3:00EST
Call-in Number: 1 (888) 447-7153
Passcode: 6290615#
Public health’s approach to youth violence prevention is under threat, putting the safety of our young people and communities entirely back in the hands of criminal justice.
Please forward this to your networks and others concerned about preserving a public health approach to preventing violence.