Youth violence prevention funding is at serious risk, unless we act quickly. The Senate Appropriations Committee has already approved a bill that zeroed out all $19.7 million in funding for the CDC's Youth Violence Prevention activities. Critical right now is that we work together to ensure that the House Appropriations Bill—likely to be approved very soon—retains this much needed funding. Without it, federal support for a public health approach to preventing violence will be eliminated, creating a devastating impact on efforts to prevent violence across the country and compromising decades of work. There is still an opportunity to ensure that the House Appropriations Bill retains this much needed funding.
It is critical that all of us working in community prevention, violence prevention and safe and healthy communities reach out to your representatives in the House and to members of House Appropriations—right away—and tell them the health and vitality of our communities depends on preserving CDC’s youth violence prevention funding.
Let the House Appropriations committee know that you want youth violence prevention funding and activities maintained at CDC at the FY2011 level. If your representative is not on Appropriations, you can still make sure your representative knows that you want youth violence prevention funding and activities maintained at CDC at the FY2011 level, and ask them to inform their colleagues on Appropriations.
Preventing violence has a local impact on safety, jobs, education and economic vitality. A public health approach to preventing violence stops violence before it ever occurs. A justice approach alone cannot prevent youth violence; further, quality Juvenile Justice and Justice efforts are also being cut drastically, which hampers their capacity.
Please forward this email to your networks and ask them to get involved in protecting youth violence prevention funding. We are extremely encouraged by the support to date. Please keep us informed of your efforts.
For additional information, including fact sheets, visit Prevention Institute’s new Preventing Violence Advocacy page which is frequently updated.
We know that all forms of violence—including intimate partner violence, sexual assault, and child abuse—are all interrelated, and, together, we must stand up to prevent all violence before it occurs.