Sign on to California’s Food Day Farm Bill petition today, and tell Governor Brown, our state agriculture and health officials, and our Congressional delegations to stand up for a healthy food and farm policy. As the nation’s largest agricultural producer, California grows nearly half of the nation’s fruit, nuts and vegetables and has a critical stake in national food policy.
In honor of Food Day 2011 – set for October 24th - Strategic Alliance is partnering with more than a dozen California-based organizations to gather support throughout the state for a farm bill that supports healthy food, equity, environment and agriculture. Join us today, and Strategic Alliance and its partners will make sure your message is delivered.
As Congress makes critical budget decisions affecting the nation’s food and farming systems, we urge our policy makers to champion California’s priorities and protect programs that:
- support healthy diets;
- increase access to healthy food and beverages in schools and communities;
- promote conservation practices on farms and reduce the need to use synthetic chemical pesticides and fertilizer;
- foster the next generation of farmers and ranchers, and
- build thriving local and sustainable food systems.
Help us build support before October 25th by forwarding this petition through your networks. Together we can build momentum for a Farm Bill that promotes California’s priorities.
Want to lend your organization’s name to the cause? Click here to read and endorse our more in-depth organizational letter. More than sixteen anti-hunger, public health, food and agriculture organizations have already signed the letter.
To learn more about Food Day or add your Food Day event to the map, click here.
Communities Need Safe Tap Water
Millions of Californians live in communities where the water from their faucets violates safety standards. SB 244 aims to move CA towards the day when every person in the state has equitable access to safe water. Click here to learn more about this critical bill and take action today.
Governor Brown Signs Package of Bills to Improve Healthy Food Access!
Today, Governor Brown announced that he has signed: The Hospital Infant Feeding Act (SB 502), a significant strategy to ensure that all CA mothers have the opportunity and the support to successfully breastfeed their babies - no matter where they are born; CalWORKS and CalFresh (AB 6), which will eliminate long-standing barriers to access and participation in these programs; CalFresh Senior Nutrition Benefits (AB 69), which will simplify the CalFresh enrollment process among underserved Social Security recipients; and AB 581, which will expand access to healthy foods in underserved communities. Congratulations to all of our partners who advocated for the passage of these bills!
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