Think food and beverage industries care about our kids’ health? Watch “We’re Not Buying it." In just two minutes, Prevention Institute’s new video highlights the deceptive ways that food and beverage companies target our kids with unhealthy foods. Help put the health of our kids first: ask President Obama to support federal government guidelines that would provide voluntary standards for the foods marketed to kids.
Food industry and media companies are lobbying to get Congress to stop the Interagency Working Group on Foods Marketed to Children (IWG) from finalizing voluntary, science-based nutrition guidelines that provide a model for companies that market to kids. Food industry executives and federal health officials will be testifying this Wednesday, October 12th, before the House of Representatives Energy and Commerce Committee at a hearing on the guidelines. We have to stand up for parents and kids—we can’t count on food and beverage companies. Watch “We’re Not Buying It” now, sign the petition, and then share it with your friends, colleagues and networks (see sidebar). Your support will take less time than a kids’ Saturday morning commercial break.

In response to our campaign, Congressman Lee Terry is making outrageous claims—saying that the voluntary IWG guidelines will stop companies from making ads for celery. Of course, food companies don’t target our kids with celery ads—they bombard them with ads for foods high in fat, sugar and/or salt. In fact, Prevention Institute’s previous food marketing studies, Claiming Health and Where’s the Fruit?, revealed that that the majority of children’s foods that industry claimed were healthy had too much salt, sugar or fat; and most of the food with fruit on the label were just that: fruit on the label, little in the product.
Will you help us get the word out? You can share the video and petition on Facebook by copying and pasting this link into your status update: (, or share the video on your own site through this link: . In just a few short days since the national launch of “We’re Not Buying it,” in partnership with Berkeley Media Studies Group, Center for Digital Democracy, Center for Science in the Public Interest, Public Health Law & Policy, and Rudd Center for Food Policy and Obesity at Yale University, thousands have viewed the video, and the initiative has been written about by media including the LA Times and Marion Nestle.
Join us in standing up to big food and beverage companies.