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Prevention Institute

October 14th, 2011

Food marketing guidelines under attack by Big Food.

Something upsetting happened this week on Capitol Hill. Big food companies showed up in Washington to try and pressure Congress and the federal agencies that comprise the Interagency Working Group (IWG) to sacrifice our kids' health for the sake of industry profits. In the face of industry misinformation, disingenous 'facts' and intense lobbying dollars, the IWG voluntary guidelines for foods that should be marketed to kids are at risk. Companies are using every trick in order to carry on with business as usual--and their number one target will continue to be our impressionable kids.

We only have a few weeks to change the course--we need to act now, before the guidelines are finalized. Join us in asking President Obama and the IWG to stand behind the original federal recommendations--strong, science-based guidelines that will help parents and kids. Over 800 people have signed our petition, and thousands more have watched our video, We're Not Buying It.

Here's what parents and advocates are saying to the President:

The next generation has the right to enjoy a healthy life, free from misleading advertisements teaching them what 'food' is. They should be given a chance to decide that for themselves.--Gabriela

Do not hold back because of the consequences to the junk food companies - our kids’ health NEEDS to come FIRST.--Debbie

Enough of us need to come together to create a "tipping point." Then we will get people in Washington to listen. Then they will know that we are the leaders, and they are the voice. --Brenda

Brenda's right, but we need more voices to reach that tipping point. Industry and the federal administration need to hear, from all of us, that we won't compromise when it comes to our children's health. We have to stand up for parents and kids—we can’t count on food and beverage companies. Watch “We’re Not Buying It” now, sign the petition, and then share it with your friends, colleagues and networks (see sidebar). Your support will take less time than a kids’ Saturday morning commercial break.

Thanks for standing up for kids.


Help us get the word out

Share the video and petition on Facebook by copying and pasting this link into your status update: http://bit.ly/oOK9Bp, tweet using #notbuyingit, or share the video on your own site through this link: http://youtu.be/ab9zbqHJ_p4

About We're Not Buying It

Think Big Food companies have our kids’ best interests at heart? We’re Not Buying It.  From soda companies using school marketing campaigns disguised as charities, to food package labeling that mislead parents, to online games like trixworld.com, in just two minutes—less time than a commercial break in children’s Saturday morning television, Prevention Institute’s video highlights the deceptive ways that food and beverage companies target our kids with unhealthy foods.   Watch the video.


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