In just two days (Wednesday, 10/19) we will send an important letter to Congress, urging them to ensure that the funding for youth violence prevention activities at CDC is preserved. If you haven’t already, sign on here to voice your support. Preventing violence fosters thriving communities and equity. This small but vital funding stream is an important investment in other ways, too: preventing violence is a powerful way to stimulate economic development in communities.
Almost three hundred of you have already signed on in a short time. We would like to add another two hundred and fifty more names before sending Wednesday. We need your help to make this happen! Sign on now.
In addition to the sign on letter, you have written close to 3000 letters to Congress via the Preventing Violence - Advocacy page on our website, plus the many efforts organizations have undertaken on their own. And we're hearing from Congress that they're paying attention to our letters and calls.
We know that the more voices they hear from, the better case they’ll be able to make to save youth violence prevention activities at CDC so be sure to sign the letter--and if you haven’t sent an email to your representatives, take two minutes and do it now. Email your Senator by clicking here and your Representative by clicking here.
As you may know, the Senate Appropriations Committee has approved a bill that zeroed out funding for the CDC's Youth Violence Prevention activities—suddenly and without input. Elimination of this $19.7 million in funding will have a devastating impact on efforts to prevent violence across the country and compromise decades of work.
Without this funding stream, many efforts that help keep our young people safe are in jeopardy: among them is Prevention Institute’s UNITY (Urban Networks to Increase Thriving Youth) initiative. UNITY works with cities all over the country to prevent violence before it occurs. To find out more, read UNITY’s newest publication: Fact Sheet: Links Between Violence and Health Equity which describes violence and lack of safety as a health equity issue, and demonstrates how preventing violence is an important component of any effort to achieve health equity and create healthy communities. You can also read previously released publications, including Fact Sheets: Links Between Violence and Chronic Diseases, Mental Illness and Poor Learning.
If you haven’t forwarded this alert to your colleagues please do so now.
Thank you again for keeping the message to your elected officials strong!
New to the effort or want to learn more?
Check out our Fact Sheet on Public Health Funding for Youth Violence Prevention
Get the latest updates here: Preventing Violence - Advocacy
The Making the Case publication series provides research findings and persuasive language to make the case that violence is both preventable and tied to other key community issues. Browse publications in this series, such as the UNITY Fact Sheets on:
Big Food companies are testifying toCongress, trying to derail voluntary guidelines that would protect our kids from junk food marketing. Watch We're Not Buying It highlighting the deceptive ways that food and beverage companies target our kids with unhealthy foods.
Then, help put the health of our kids first: ask President Obama to support federal government guidelines that would provide voluntary standards for food marketing to kids.
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