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Prevention Institute

October 28th, 2011

The California Endowment files ‘friend of the court’ brief in support of the Affordable Care Act

Today The California Endowment filed a ‘friend of the court’ brief, offering relevant facts, case studies and informative research to the Supreme Court of the United States as it decides whether to hear a case regarding the Affordable Care Act, the new federal health care law. “We know that the Affordable Care Act will positively impact the health of communities in our state and its implementation is core to our mission of ensuring all Californians have access to health care services.” said Dr. Robert K. Ross, president and CEO of The Endowment. The Endowment’s amicus curiae brief offers facts based on California research related specifically to the Eleventh Circuit’s conclusions regarding the ‘minimum coverage requirement’ included in the law. The California Endowment’s amicus curiae brief can be viewed here.

Prevention Institute applauds this courageous and very important public step to support a vision of health care and community prevention for all—which are both integral and complementary elements of community health. The California Endowment’s leadership in protecting the Affordable Care Act is the most recent step in a long history of innovative work to promote fundamental improvements in the health status of all Californians.

To stay involved and informed on Affordable Care Act implementation, we invite you to join Prevention Institute’s Health Reform Rapid Response mailing list.

Read Community-Centered Health Homes

Our Community-Centered Health Homes strategy paper, released in January, has generated interest from advocates, health care professionals, government officials and philanthropy. We invite you to read it here.

Join Prevention Institute at APHA

Prevention Institute will be at the American Public Health Association’s annual meeting, starting Monday. Find a full list of our presentations here.

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