Prevention for the 99%: Prevention Institute on the Occupy Movement
All eyes are on Oakland, and the peaceful day of protest planned for Wednesday, November 2nd, by students, families and individuals from across the city. Prevention Institute’s offices are located just blocks from the epicenter of the Occupy Oakland movement, and we want to share our strong support for the goals of the Occupy movements happening here in our hometown and all over the country.
The Occupy movement has a huge emphasis on eliminating extreme inequities in power and resources. We see the action in Oakland as part of a global effort to spark dialogue about the need to set a different course. In addition to the key fundamental components of equity—job opportunities, quality public education, affordable colleges, an affordable health system and child care—equity must be about the health of our communities. It matters where people live, work, learn and play. Access to safe neighborhoods, healthy foods, safe places to play, walkable, bikeable streets and public transit are crucial to health, equity and quality of life. They should be available to 100% of the people living in the United States—not just to the few who have the resources.
The growing discrepancies of wealth must be urgently addressed for the wellbeing of everyone. We are proud of the Occupy movement and the continuing efforts to organize and protest peacefully. We uphold their vision to create a world where there is respect, dignity, health and opportunity for all.