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Prevention Institute

December 16th, 2011

Congratulations—Youth Violence Prevention funding partially restored

Youth violence prevention advocates won a major victory today, as youth violence prevention funding through the CDC was re-funded in the congressional appropriations bill just passed in DC. $15 million of the original $19 million that had been cut was written back into the final draft of the bill—a feat that some thought was impossible. Join us in saying thanks by sending a quick note to your legislators. We've already written a draft; you can send it in just a few clicks.

Nothing is impossible when we work together, and congratulations go to each and every advocate who have made this victory happen. Thank you for your commitment and dedication.  In a short period of time you sent more than 2,600 letters to Senators supporting youth violence prevention funding and more than 200 letters to their colleagues in the House.  In addition, almost 900 individuals and organizations signed a letter to members of Congress asking for funding to be maintained.

This is a major achievement: our collective action helped shift national priorities, and restored a budget line that had been zeroed out. We have proven that support for the prevention of youth violence is a priority for communities and the organizations that serve them. We can be proud of the achievements to date:

  • increasing the awareness of violence prevention strategies and their success nationwide;
  • making a clear case for the role of health in preventing violence efforts;
  • and illustrating the ever growing call for more investment in upfront efforts that save lives and lower costs.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Youth Violence Prevention funding comprises the primary federal resources that support a public health approach to preventing violence. With the partial restoration of these critical funds, we can continue to hone in on what causes violence, and how to prevent it from happening in the first place by engaging youth to create new opportunities for participation, leadership and economic opportunity, and dismantling barriers to safe communities. We will continue to join together to make sure the remaining $4 million shortfall is addressed in upcoming budgets.

We look forward to working with you in the upcoming year.

Prevention and Public Health Fund

Early word on the Prevention Funding is also cautiously optimistic. Reports from DC indicate that the fund will receive the full allocation of $1 billion for Fiscal Year 2012, which includes an increase in Community Transformation Grant resources. The negotiation process continues, and funding beyond 2012 is still being worked out. We will keep you informed as this process moves forward.

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