Labor Across the Food System Conference
Presented by the UC Santa Cruz Center for Labor Studies
Santa Cruz, CA
Friday and Saturday, February 3 -4, 2012
A reception, co-sponsored by Prevention Institute, Berkeley Media Studies Group, and The Praxis Project, will follow Friday night’s keynote lecture.
To advance an equitable, sustainable, and just food system, addressing the health, rights, and well-being of laborers is critical. Yet, while the food system has become the focus of multi-disciplinary scholarly analysis, public policy making, and grass roots advocacy, food system workers are largely absent from the conversation.
The 2012 conference in Santa Cruz will bring together key scholars and activists from California and beyond to engage in critical discussions of the role of labor and social justice in reshaping the food system. Following a Friday night keynote lecture by local historian Frank Bardacke, the conference will highlight core issues in food labor with particular emphasis on farm labor, food processing, shipping and retail, and food service and restaurants.
The conference is free and open to the public. Click here for more information.
Sign on to "Setting the Record Straight"
Truly healthful food goes beyond just nutrients. It comes from a system where food is produced, processed, transported, and marketed in ways that are environmentally sound, sustainable and just. Read and sign-on to our declaration to show your support for a healthful food system.
Strategic Alliance speaks on need for food marketing guidelines
Federal efforts to address the connection between chronic disease and food marketing to children recently stalled, when funding for a set of proposed national marketing guidelines became contingent on a cost-benefit analysis mandated through an appropriations bill. A number of public health advocates, including Strategic Alliance's Juliet Sims, speak out on the importance of these sensible, evidence-based guidelines. Click here to read the full story.
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