The Healthy Places Coalition advances public health involvement
in land use and transportation planning to ensure that all neighborhoods in
California promote the opportunity to live a healthy life.
Opportunities for Action
Funding: Sustainable Communities Planning Grants
The Strategic Growth Council (SGC) has released the RFP for approximately $18 million of round two Proposition 84 funds to support development, adoption, and implementation of Sustainable Community planning elements throughout the state. Grants will be made in amounts of $100,000 - $1,000,000 and proposals are due February 15, 2012. More information can be found here and the FAAST application system can be accessed here. For more information contact the DOC Planning Grant and Incentive Program.
California Safe Routes to School Funding Available:
California’s Department of Transportation (Caltrans) recently announced a call for Safe Routes to School projects, applications due March 30th, 2012. $45 million in funds for is available from federal and state sources. Eligible awards will include infrastructure projects, with up to 10% of costs going to non-infrastructure work; cities and counties across California can apply. Learn more and apply here.
Comment on the Southern California Sustainable Communities Strategy:
The Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG) has released its draft Regional Transportation Plan and Sustainable Communities Strategy (RTP/SCS) that will guide the region’s growth and transportation systems. This plan could help improve air quality, transportation resources, and public health in the region. Comments are being accepted through February 14th, and a series of public hearings have been scheduled. Learn more here.
Sign On: All Communities Deserve Safes Places to Play and Be Active
Safe Places to Play and Be Active, developed by the Joint Use Statewide Task Force and the Strategic Alliance, articulates a vision for equal and accessible physical activity opportunities. Safe Places to Play and Be Active will be presented to local, state, and federal policymakers to garner support for effective health and equity promoting policies and practices. Join other supporters including CPEHN, Safe Routes to School Partnership, CANFIT, and The City Project. Sign on today as an organization or individual endorser by contacting Sandra Viera at Prevention Institute.
New Partners for Smart Growth Conference
Date: February 2-4, 2012
Location: San Diego, CA
Registration is open for the New Partners for Smart Growth Conference, February 2-4, 2012. Learn more here.
Conference Sessions Featuring HPC Partners:
- Advancing an Agenda for Healthy, Equitable, and Sustainable Environments in California
Date/Time: Thursday, February 2, 2:00-5:15pm
Organization: Prevention Institute
- Building a Powerful Regional Equity Coalition to Deliver on Sustainable Communities
Date/Time: Friday, February 3 ,10:00-11:30am
Organization: PolicyLink
- Housing and Freeways: How Close is Too Close
Date/Time: Friday, February 3, 3:30-5:30pm
Organization: CA Air Quality Districts, Sacramento Housing Alliance, and others
- The Evolving Story of SB 375: California's Landmark Sustainable Communities and Climate Protection Law
Date/Time: Friday, February 3, 3:30-5:30pm
Organization: ClimatePlan
- Public Health, Transportation, & Land Use: Institutionalizing Partnerships & Practices to Create Healthier Communities
Date/Time: Saturday, February 4, 10:15am-12:15pm
Organization: Prevention Institute
- Community Schools - The Case for Joint Use
Date/Time: Saturday, February 4, 10:15am-12:15pm
Organization: LA County Department of Public Health
Complete Streets for California 2012 Conference
Dates: March 2, 2012
Location: Kyoto Hotel, Downtown Los Angeles
The second annual UCLA Complete Streets conference will look back at past accomplishments and will concretely analyze the most recent evolution of complete streets through research and examples of implementation. This gathering of interdisciplinary professionals and researchers will look at ways that streets can be vibrant community spaces and safe for all users. Register here.
Roadmap for Healthier General Plans:
Public Health Law and Policy has released a new guide to updating local plans and creating healthier communities. Access this step-by-step guide for your local community here.
Model Design Manual for Living Streets:
This new manual helps cities update current practices to achieve balanced street design for all users and all modes, focusing on ensuring that pedestrians, cyclists and transit users can travel safely and comfortably, as well as incorporating features to makes treets beautiful, vibrant, and sustainable. This collaboration between the LA County Department of Public Health and the UCLA Luskin Center for innovation is available here.
Transportation Health Impact Assessment Toolkit:
The Transportation HIA Toolkit, recently released by the CDC, provides a framework for public health departments, city planners, project managers, and other stakeholders to conduct HIAs on proposed transportation projects, plans, and policies. Access it here.
Designing Healthy Communities:
Dr. Richard Jackson, MD, MPH, in partnership with the Media Policy Center, has produced a 4-part PBS miniseries that looks at the impact our built environment has on public health. Dr. Jackson connects bad community design with burgeoning health costs, then analyzes and illustrates what citizens are doing about this urgent crisis by looking upstream for innovative solutions. The series and companion book are available here.
To contribute to the Healthy Places Coalition Digest e-mail Sandra Viera.