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Prevention Institute

February 1st, 2012

Preventing violence is a public health issue

Our UNITY partner, CeaseFire, will be featured tonight on The Colbert Report. Ameena Matthews, CeaseFire Violence Interrupter and star of The Interrupters, a critically acclaimed feature film that highlights CeaseFire's work preventing violence, will appear in promotion of the movie's Frontline premiere. Watch the Colbert show tonight, and on February 14th, view the movie's debut on Frontline.

CeaseFire uses a public health-based approach to preventing violence. Read more about public health contributions to preventing violence in the newly released Fact Sheet: Public Health Contributions to Preventing Violence. This UNITY (Urban Networks to Increase Thriving Youth) fact sheet highlights how public health adds value to any effort to address violence and complements criminal justice approaches, describing how public health's unique perspective and areas of expertise can strengthen local initiatives.

Prevention Institute's UNITY initiative is funded by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Division of Violence Prevention.

Fact Sheet: Public Health Contributions to Preventing Violence

Looking to prevent violence and not just react after the fact? This UNITY fact sheet highlights how public health adds value to any effort to address violence and complements criminal justice approaches. Read now. 

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