Strategic Alliance Newsletter
February 2012
2012 California Food and Activity Legislation Round-Up
As California’s legislative season gets underway, a number of bills have been introduced to advance community well-being, health, and equity, including bills covering foods served at schools, charter schools, and daycares; equitable transportation planning; mobile vending to kids; and more. Visit Strategic Alliance’s State Policy page for a full list. Check back frequently, as we’ll continue to track their progress and provide status updates.
Physical Activity Spotlight
New Website Helps Open School Gates to Communities
The Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD), Alliance for a Better Community, and Los Angeles County Department of Public Health’s Project RENEW have recently developed an online portal to support community access to safe places to play.
The Healthy Spaces, Healthy People website provides centralized information and resources on community and organizational use of school facilities. It offers the tools necessary to facilitate permits and agreements throughout LAUSD to increase access to safe recreation space for community use during non-school hours, allowing for greater transparency and access to school facilities and spaces. Click here to visit the website and learn how LA is working to create healthy spaces and healthy communities.
And visit to learn more about improving physical activity environments through the shared use of spaces.
Eye on Industry
"Kick the Can" Campaign Helps Make the Case Against Sodaew Series of WIC Works Webinars in 2012
Visit the California Center for Public Health Advocacy’s new resource Kick the Can, a one-stop shop compiling the latest data and news on sugar-sweetened beverages. The site:
Provides up-to-date research and data about sugar-sweetened beverage consumption and marketing
Links to key reports, studies, and media coverage
Maps out beverage policies and campaigns throughout the country
Sheds light on beverage industry arguments and tactics to push back on this growing health advocacy movement
Click here to learn more about this online resource, and how it can help advocates make the case for sugar-sweetened beverage policies.
New Resources
From the PBS series Designing Healthy Communities to green justice to the new research that defends the importance – and legality – of regulations that limit food advertisements to children, we’ve rounded up the latest resources for advocates to read, watch, and share. Click here to view them all.
Upcoming Events
The latest from CA WIC Association
Don’t miss the last webinar of the WIC WORKS Series.
WIC Saves Live by Reducing Alcohol Use
Thursday, March 1, 2012 11:30 am – 12:00 pm PST:
Click here for more details and register today.
And register today for CA WIC Association’s 20th Annual Conference, Platinum Partnerships: Expanding Your WIC Network, scheduled for April 29 – May 2 in Palm Desert, CA. Learn more here.
Active Living Research Annual Conference
Disparities in Environments and Policies that Support Active Living
March 12-14, 2012
San Diego, CA
Click here for more information.
Upcoming Webinar: Equity and the ACA Advancing Language Access and Data Collection
Thursday, March 15, 2012
9:00 am PST
Click here to learn more and register for this webinar, hosted by the California Pan-Ethnic Health Network.
Upcoming Webinar: Improving School Policies and Settings to Increase Physical Activity
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
11:30 am-1:00 pm PST
Register here, and learn about Public Health Institute’s Dialogue for Health series.
TransForm’s Transportation Choices Summit
May 1 – 2, 2012
Sacramento, CA
Join TransForm and hundreds of others throughout the state to learn about and advocate for investments in safe, abundant options for walking, biking, and public transportation.
Click here for more details.
Visit Strategic Alliance’s Events page for information on these and other upcoming opportunities.