Congressional Briefing
Prevention Works: A public health approach to
preventing violence that affects youth
Prevention Institute invites you to attend a congressional briefing on Friday, April 27th, regarding the prevention of violence that affects youth. This briefing is an opportunity to reinforce the effectiveness of a public health approach in supporting health, safety, and equity.
Prevention Works: A public health approach to
preventing violence that affects youth
Sponsored by the Congressional Tri-Caucus: Congressional Black Caucus, Congressional Hispanic Caucus, Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus; and UNITY (Urban Networks to Increase Thriving Youth).
Friday, April 27, 2012
2:00 PM to 3:30 PM EST
Rayburn House Office Building, Room 2168
Violence is among the most serious health threats in the nation today. It is a leading cause of injury, disability, and premature death; and a significant disparity disproportionally affecting young people and people of color. Violence is preventable. It can be significantly reduced through a public health approach which addresses the underlying causes. This approach engages youth to create new opportunities for participation, fosters leadership and economic opportunity, and dismantles barriers to peaceful streets and connected neighbors.
This briefing will highlight:
- Evidence on what works to prevent violence
- Lessons from local public health departments
- Contributions of public health to preventing violence
Moderated by:
- Deborah Prothrow-Stith, MD, UNITY Co-Chair, Harvard School of Public Health
- CDC’S approach and activities: Dr. Howard Spivak, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Director, Division of Violence Prevention
- A Department of Justice perspective on the value of partnering with public health: Thomas Abt, Chief of Staff, Office of the Assistant Attorney General
- Local successes: Minneapolis’ public health based approach presented by Alyssa Banks, Minneapolis Violence Prevention Coordinator and Baltimore’s Safe Streets program presented by Dr. Oxiris Barbot, Baltimore Health Commissioner.
To RSVP and for more information, please contact Edward Muña at or (510) 444-8027, ext. 306.
Co-sponsored by Afterschool Alliance; American Public Health Association; American Psychological Association; Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies; National Association of County and City Health Officials, Prevention Institute; Safe States Alliance; Students Against Violence Everywhere; Violence Prevention Coalition of Greater Los Angeles.
UNITY builds support for effective, sustainable efforts to prevent violence before it occurs, so that urban youth can thrive in safe environments with ample opportunities and supportive relationships. Learn more about UNITY at UNITY is funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and in part by The Kresge Foundation.