New media resources advance health equity
Public health and social justice work demonstrates how underlying causes—including racism and poverty—shape community environments and norms which, in turn, influence outcomes for health and safety. Explore the latest media resources:
PolicyLink’s Angela Glover Blackwell on Moyers & Company
Health inequities are more than differences in health and safety outcomes; inequity describes unfairness and the systematic nature of disparities. PI partner and leader on equity, Angela Glover Blackwell discusses how broader social determinants of health, like racism, shape community health factors, such as transportation and food access. Available on local TV stations and online, watch now and learn why we need to reinvest in communities and prevention to build health and equity for all.
“Heist: Who Stole the American Dream?”
Learn more about the roots of our country’s current economic crisis with Heist’s recently released 22 minute trailer--included in trainings for the 99% Spring, the movement to train 100,000 Americans in nonviolent direct action. This short segment from the recent movie, produced by Dr. Donald Goldmacher, long-time advisor to PI, exposes the continuing erosion of the rights of the working and middle class, and provides an essential primer on restoration of economic fairness and democracy in the United States. Watch now.
We invite you to also learn more about Prevention Institute’s health equity work.