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Prevention Institute

April 26th, 2012

Take Action to Stop Ill-Conceived Cuts to Community Clinics

Governor Brown’s January 2012 budget includes a proposed change to the Prospective Payment System (PPS) rate that would cut $100 million annually from community clinics and health centers (CCHCs) statewide. This would have devastating consequences—including clinic closures and service cutbacks—for the health of communities, and particularly the most vulnerable populations in the state. CCHCs are critical to the safety net, are key partners in advancing the vision of healthier communities, and in many cases go far beyond providing necessary primary and preventive care to function as “the centers of communities.” CCHCs are critical for the full implementation of the Affordable Care Act in California, including the provisions that emphasize prevention.

Next Monday, April 30th, the Assembly Budget subcommittee on Health and Human Services will consider the Governor's Prospective Payment System (PPS) rate proposal. Please fax a letter by Monday, April 30th opposing the proposal to members of the subcommittee: (Here are sample letters from our friends at California Primary Care Association and the Latino Health Alliance):

  • Assembly member Holly Mitchell at 916-319-2147
  • Assembly member Bill Monning at 916-319-2127
  • Assembly member Wesley Chesbro at 916-319-2101
  • Assembly member Shannon Grove at 916-319-2132
  • Assembly member Allan Mansoor at 916-319-2168
  • Assembly member Robert Blumenfield at 916-319-2140
  • Assembly member Jim Nielsen at 916-319-2102

In addition, please email a copy of your faxes to Assembly Sub Budget Consultant Andrea Margolis at Andrea.margolis@asm.ca.gov

Given their critical role, and potential importance in the implementation of health reform, this is no time to be undermining CCHCs.

Community-Centered Health Homes: Bridging the gap between health services and community prevention

Prevention Institute’s recent report outlines steps that community health centers can take to address the environmental conditions shaping health and safety of the patient population while simultaneously delivering high-quality clinical services to individuals. Read the report here.

Save the Date:
ENACT Day 2012

Join us on May 16, 2012 for ENACT Nutrition and Activity Day, an annual grassroots advocacy day held in Sacramento, CA. ENACT Day brings advocates together to educate policymakers about opportunities to improve California’s food and physical activity environments. Learn more, and register today.

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Oakland, CA 94607
t 510-444-7738 | email: prevent@preventioninstitute.org

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