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Prevention Institute

May 15th, 2012

Prevention Institute's Manal J. Aboelata receives "SHero" Award

On Saturday, May 6, 2012, Prevention Institute Managing Director, Manal J. Aboelata received a “SHero” Award from Senator Curren D. Price, Jr., who for the past 6 years, has recognized 26 women in the 26th Senate District who have “demonstrated leadership, volunteerism and commitment to their community.” The 26th District is geographically and ethnically diverse, and includes parts of Los Angeles and Culver City including South Los Angeles, Hollywood, West Los Angeles, Koreatown and Los Feliz.

Manal founded Prevention Institute’s LA office in 2002 and has partnered with local, state and national organizations to advance prevention practice through training, consultation, research and advocacy, with a particular focus on improving community environments and increasing equitable access to safe places to play and be active. Manal facilitates the Strategic Alliance for Healthy Food and Activity Environments, a network of California advocates focused on chronic disease prevention and community wellbeing, which recently commemorated A Decade of Advocacy. Manal serves as chair of the Joint Use Statewide Taskforce, and recently co-authored "Community Engagement in Design and Planning," a chapter in the textbook Making Healthy Places: Designing and Building for Health, Well-Being, and Sustainability. Manal recently joined the Board of the Los Angeles Neighborhood Land Trust which works to bring parks, playgrounds and community gardens to underserved communities throughout Los Angeles County.

Manal said that she is “encouraged by this recognition and thanks the Senator and his staff for honoring the service and commitment of women. Each of the SHeroes is making a unique and valuable contribution toward improving our communities, and I am honored to represent Prevention Institute as one of the 2012 awardees.” All of us at Prevention Institute congratulate Manal for receiving this award.

A Decade of Advocacy: The Strategic Alliance for Healthy Food and Activity Environments

Strategic Alliance has achieved numerous successes and served as a model for efforts across the country. A Decade of Advocacy provides a roadmap and offers insight into the unique network structure that has guided this work, and also outlines key future priorities as Strategic Alliance continues to build a steady drumbeat for equitable policy and environmental changes. Learn more and read the full document.

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