Senators Boxer and Feinstein Sign-On in Support of The Prevention and Public Health Fund
Strategic Alliance extends our gratitude to Senators Boxer and Feinstein for signing-on in support of the Prevention and Public Health Fund, our nation’s greatest source of dedicated prevention funding. Their willingness to visibly support the Fund is much appreciated by the many communities throughout the State who are benefiting from the resources it provides—through more walkable and bikeable communities, increased access to healthy foods, and tobacco-free environments.
Last month, the House passed legislation that would repeal the Fund entirely, severely jeopardizing community efforts to advance prevention and health equity. This fund is a modest yet critical contribution to ensuring that our health system both treats health problems and takes action to stop preventable illness and injury, in the first place. It moves us towards a system that improves health, saves lives, reduces costs, and strengthens our country. We simply can't afford to go backwards, and we thank Senators Boxer and Feinstein for their leadership and dedication to advancing community health.
Follow Strategic Alliance on Twitter (@strat_alliance) and join us in thanking Senator Feinstein and Senator Boxer: let them know how much community prevention means to you and your community. Here are some sample tweets:
- Thanks @SenatorBoxer @SenFeinstein for supporting the Prevention & Public Health Fund: @preventioninst @strat_alliance
- #Prevention funds can save US $50b but need support: Thanks @SenatorBoxer @SenFeinstein for supporting the Prevention & Public Health Fund!
- Thanks @SenFeinstein @SenatorBoxer for standing up for Prevention &Public Health Fund—supporting CA & USA #phealth, econ & #healthequity
We invite you to join this advocacy effort by signing Prevention Institute’s petition supporting the Prevention and Public Health Fund. We'll use this to tell legislators directly about the value of community prevention, and why they should stand up for the Prevention and Public Health Fund. It will take you just two minutes, but it could make all the difference in protecting this critical and unique funding.